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MIT would accept applications from entrepreneurs who wish to come to MIT to create new companies. Each entrepreneur would agree to give at least one seminar on entrepreneurship each semester. These entrepreneurs would be self funded or funded by outside investors, not by MIT. They would have access to use of MIT resources and collaboration with MIT faculty, staff, and students, all on a cost reimbursable basis. There would be no net cost or revenue to MIT. All intellectual property would be solely owned by the inventor(s) and/or investor(s). Each entrepreneur would agree to donate 1% of all future wealth to MIT on a self enforcing basis. Applicant entrepreneurs would be judged as qualified or nonqualified. Qualification would be based only on evidence that financial resources were available adequate to the entrepreneur's proposal. Winners might be selected from the qualified list by random lottery, technical criteria, business criteria, or a combination of all the above. A rationale for random selection is that innovation has often proven to be unpredictable by experts.

A New Financial Model, Improving accessibility and affordability, Revenue opportunities, Education & Facilities, Educational experiences, Physical spaces, Global Implications of EdX, Global implications of edX, entrepreneurship, entrepreneur, start up, company, commercial collaboration