When will the summer @ future classes be taught?
The subjects offered under this program will be taught over an 8-week period during the summer term. They start on Monday, June 9, and end on Friday, August 1.
Are you offering additional classes from the ones listed in the page?
We will only offer the classes listed in the summer@ future page. If the summer program is well received by the MIT community, we may consider offering a summer semester in a different capacity in subsequent years.
How many students would be selected for this pilot program?
The classes will have between 15 to 25 students each, and we are evaluating the possibility to accommodate additional students.
Am I eligible to participate in the summer@ future program if I am graduating in June?
The summer classes will only be available to registered graduate and undergraduate students. If you are graduating in June, you won’t be able to register for these classes.
When will registration open?
Pre-registration opens on May 1, and students must pre-register to take these classes.
Who is eligible for subsidized housing?
All undergraduate students accepted for one or more of the summer@ future classes are eligible for on campus subsidized housing. Graduate students that do not currently have leases and require summer housing to be able to remain in Cambridge to take one or more of the summer@ future classes are also eligible for on campus subsidized housing. Please see details of housing for undergraduates and graduates in the “Summer Housing” section of the summer@ future page.
Will subsidized housing cover only for June 9 - August 1 or the whole summer?
Housing will be subsidized for the entire summer, until the beginning of the fall semester.
Will housing be subsidized, or partially subsidized, for graduate students already living on campus?
No, the subsidized housing will only be offered to those students without existing housing for the summer semester. Housing will be in undergraduate residence halls.
Do students have to attend class or can the classes be taken entirely online?
All the summer@ future classes will have a strong online component, but students are expected to attend classes as well.
Do the summer classes have pre-requisites like their equivalent class during the semester or can anyone sign up for any class?
Yes, summer classes will have pre-requisites. Please look at the details of each classes in the summer@ future webpage.
Will the grade I receive on a summer course affect my GPA?
Yes, these are regular classes and they will affect your grades. If you decide to drop the class, it will also appear on your record.
Can I register for a course in a different department than mine?
You should get in touch with your academic adviser and/or the academic administrator in your department if you plan to register for classes in a different department.
What will scheduling look like for a summer course? Will classes be during the day or at night?
We have not yet finalized the class schedule, but more information will be added to this page in the coming weeks.
Is it okay to take a UROP or internship as well as one of these summer classes?
You should be able to do both. It depends on the amount of work and time required in the particular class you are planning to take, and the UROP/internship commitment.
Is it okay to miss one or two weeks of classes during the summer term?
The semester is only 7 to 8 weeks long, so missing two weeks may not be possible. You are advised to get in touch directly with the professors to discuss these issues.