One huge advantage of the online experience is the freedom from time and space restrictions--somtimes beneficial for the residential experience, but sometimes limiting, too (for example, I have heard professors complain that they used to teach X...
Idea Bank: Educational experiences
In my opinion there is no replacement for classroom lectures; however, it would be useful if they were videotaped. Sometimes I miss things said by the Professor or would find it useful to simply hear it again. Currently I would have to either have...
It is the best of both worlds, using both on line tools and hands on education. Both Students and Professors are able to interface from the comfort of their living space. On the other hand, students may still need the personal interface with educators...
The ultimate goal of most, if not all, classes at MIT is to eventually be able to take the skills and concepts learned to the real world and apply them there. So why is there a fundamental disconnect between what we learn in classes and what is useful...
Break MIT subjects into atomistic concepts that are linked across the entire institute--each concept might take a day or a week to master, but much shorter than a semester-long class. Students learn what they want to learn, and they can see how each...
Enhance the class experience by generating interaction among different kinds of groups. For example in a course, create a problem set that has to be solved by teams in different countries. The teams can't meet in person and so have to resolve the...
Over the years, various forms and models of learning have evolved. It will be important as we build and transform education for the future that we don't lose sight of the importance of human interactions. Online learning enhances our modes of learning...
Online options mean that – at least for the humanities – students could submit an electronic essay, theater piece, video, or multimedia presentation to demonstrate their understanding of course material. And they could do this on their own or as part...
Don't eliminate the current hours spent between professors and students. Have lectures for class online to be watched before class, and make class-time into problem solving sessions that are interactive with TAs, and professors, especially groups.
One of the biggest difficulties with the lecture format is that it can be difficult for the lecturer to gauge whether or not the class is understanding the material. To remedy this, we should experiment with different methods for real-time feedback -...
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