Imagine dropping someone off in the middle of the wilderness to survive in the wild for a week. What are the most important things that person needs to help them survive? Arguably more than anything else, grit—sustained perseverance and passion...
Idea Bank: Academic year
Include a 6-12 months stint after sophomore year to help solidify choices for major.
The 6-12 months internships would be under the supervision of MIT alums
**Submitted by the MIT Alumni Association on behalf of, Class of 1975.**
I would like to start by saying that my experience and memories at MIT are centered around...
**Submitted by the MIT Alumni Association on behalf of, Class of 1957.**
IN PERSON LECTURES are essential, I believe. A live person who is expert on the topic can add emphasis on...
**Submitted to the MIT Alumni Association on behalf of, Class of 1960.**
Thanks for your courtesy in requesting my opinion about MIT education. I studied City and Regional...
**Posted by the MIT Alumni Association on behalf of**
The idea of a "lectureless" class sounds absurd, depending on implementation - not even high-bandwidth...
First, the idea of driving the cost of a residential education down via digital media is very compelling. Shortening the time spent in formal "college" would help many families for whom college is not a viable alternative due to financial constraints...
Much of what is "taught" can be taught online. But much of what is "learned" is learned in person - through the face-to-face interaction of researching, discussing, debating, exploring and comprehending, with individuals, in groups, and in classrooms...
I have been in higher education as a professor for >30 yrs and with two teenagers prepping for college, I am an observer from both sides. Even though I consider myself relatively well paid (upper middle class), my main concern regarding college/...
Especially as we leverage both in person and virtual learning, it feels a bit arbitrary to me that we only teach things that require between 30 and 75 hours of instructor led instruction (15 weeks in a semester x 2-5 hours per week). I look at the...
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