Through my academic and medical life I observed that the subject matter experts are not necessary the best teachers or speakers.
We have the opportunity to transform the academic experience of the students and the faculty if we give each one...
Through my academic and medical life I observed that the subject matter experts are not necessary the best teachers or speakers.
We have the opportunity to transform the academic experience of the students and the faculty if we give each one...
Much of what is "taught" can be taught online. But much of what is "learned" is learned in person - through the face-to-face interaction of researching, discussing, debating, exploring and comprehending, with individuals, in groups, and in classrooms...
As a member of the Sloan Fellows class of 1960 I have fond memories of the days at MIT. Those of us who are left still get together each year to renew our friendship. Our ages while at MIT ranged from 32 to 42. We and our families (mine was a wife and...
I have one suggestion that has been on my mind since graduation in 1963. I feel that there is a need for all MIT students to have the chance/opportunity to work as an intern in a company in their field of endeavor during a few semesters. There is...
One of the most important aspects of the MIT education is the kind of people is gathers inside. The ones around us have incredible life stories of success, struggle, careers, relationships, teaching, learning, communication and cultures. However, what...
I could not imagine my MIT career without any sort of study group or psetting partners. I think there should be an online source for people to find others in their area who are studying the same subject as they are so they can possibly meet up and...
To divorce skills science and engineering from the human and social aspect of life is a terrible fallacy that denies the beauty and creativity of what we do. Yet that is what MIT does with its HASS requirement. I always felt my 8 HASS classes lacked...
The greatest piece missing from my education at MIT (and from education in general) was the real-world component to the theory-driven classes. I spent the past fall volunteering as a mentor for a program called SPARK here in San Francisco. I had a...
The edX model has a lot of promise for the future, but so far it does not completely replace an on-campus MIT education. I see at least three crucial areas where the on-campus approach still holds a major advantage:
1) Student-to-student...
"Scientists and engineers need to be able to communicate about their work – to funders, to policy-makers, to journalists, to relatives and friends, and, of course, to each other. Today, more than ever, people with scientific expertise who can convey...