Alumni, Student living, teaching methodology, academic year, and finances (all that nicely packaged for your eyes only ;-) )
1) Alumni participation:
Alumni are divided in at least two camps, the Devout, and those who really don t care...
Alumni, Student living, teaching methodology, academic year, and finances (all that nicely packaged for your eyes only ;-) )
1) Alumni participation:
Alumni are divided in at least two camps, the Devout, and those who really don t care...
Fixed tuition costs burden students with debt and cause them to make poor long term choices. I know too many people who have taken jobs (and eventually, careers) that they don't love because they feel the pressure of their student loan debt. These...
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Having recently completed work as co-chair of an innovation task force at my university, I'll toss out a few things that didn't make it into the task force's report:
MIT should commit to ensuring that its students can leave the Institvte debt-free.
The cost of higher education is skyrocketing at a rate much faster than inflation, while median incomes are stagnating. MIT's tuition and costs, which have...
It is becoming increasingly well understood that students' abilities to take advantage of their education is based in large part on how well prepared they are for the school that they attend. MIT seeks to offer world class education to a diverse...